...Truth, the HOListic Truth, & Nothing but the Truth

Hey bloggers!

I know it has been a while since my last post, so I decided to pop in and say hello!

Today I am going to talk to you about something that has maintained true to the identity of occupational therapy. Now, in the OT profession there are certain things that have changed overtime. There have been societal changes, technological advances, and with time comes more ways that the field has to change in order to keep up. I mean, we can't expect to see growth without some change. Right? Although we see changes that occur, there are some things that we won't see change in the field of occupational therapy because they are fundamental roots for which the profession was built on.

Occupational therapy strives to hold true to the belief in using a holistic approach in treatment. "What does this mean?, you ask." Holism refers to the approach of viewing someone as a whole, rather than looking at different parts of that person and trying to determine the problem(s) they are experiencing. In the field of OT, this is done by focusing on the needs of each person/client as a whole when assessing, forming intervention plans/goals, and then evaluating these goals. Since its beginning, the profession has held therapists to this same commitment; in providing client-centered assistance that helps clients engage in occupations that are meaningful to them.

I hope you enjoyed today's post on the "HOListic truth".

stay true & keep it natural,


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