My Beautiful Broken Brain

My Beautiful Broken Brain Hey bloggers! I chose to write about this documentary because it encompasses the meaning of hope, and shows us the true power of the human mind. At 34 years old, Lotje Sodderland was challenged by the complexity, fragility, and wonder of her own brain following a life changing hemorrhagic stroke. When she regained consciousness, life as she knew it would never be the same. She was thrown into a new existence of distorted reality where words held no meaning and where her sensory perception had changed beyond recognition. Over the course of a year since her injury, she decides to sort of take control of her life, rather than let the injury control her. Our class talked about cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs), also known as a stroke. We learned that a stroke is a rupture, or blockage, of blood flow in the blood vessel. This occurs due to brain bleeds, or an area of the brain that may be starved of oxygen. This type of injury is a type o...